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Making Hospitals More Secure

Doctors, nurses, and patients are what comes to mind when you think of a hospital. Very rarely do people think of security officers much less notice one on the premise. But if you were to go today, I guarantee that you will see a few more security officers at a hospital than your last visit. The number of security officers is growing due to the increase in demand for safety and security in healthcare institutions. Don’t believe me? Well, according to International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS), the most common crime in healthcare facilities is disorderly conduct along with assault and theft.

Hospitals must face and deal with several security challenges daily, and unlike other institutions or businesses, a hospital never closes which makes securing them a lot more difficult. From patients, staff, and visitors to equipment, supplies, and pharmaceuticals, many aspects of a hospital must remain secure. The challenge with securing a hospital starts with the high volume of people entering and exiting the building at all hours of the day and lobby doors having to remain open. Let’s explore a few areas that hospital security focus on for improvement.

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What Qualities Make a Successful Security Officer?

Many responsibilities come with being a security officer. From preventing incidents like theft and break-ins to keeping people and assets protected, security officers deal with a lot on a day-to-day basis. Because of this, security officers must have certain qualities. Failing to support those qualities can be detrimental not only to the officers but everyone around them. Let’s look at the top attributes that make a good security officer.

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